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Can I Sue for Emotional Distress?

Can I Sue for Emotional Distress?

After an accident, the emotional damages encountered can be just as scarring as any physical injuries. Many individuals suffer from severe depression and anxiety after a traumatic event, and they find it difficult to go about their day-to-day life. If you have experienced emotional distress as a result of an accident, find out if you are entitled to compensation.

The Florida Impact Rule

Unfortunately, there are individuals who seek to take advantage of the court system. The Florida courts feared that it was too easy for scammers to fake mental illnesses as a way of making a quick buck. That is why Florida has implemented the Impact Rule. Under this ruling, a victim must meet one of two qualifications in order to seek compensation for emotional damages. The victims must have:

  • Been physically struck. This may include anything from being in a car accident to having another person simply touch them. There must be some kind of impact.


  • Seen, heard, or arrived at the scene of a traumatizing event. They do not have to be physically part of the event, however within a short time of the incident, the plaintiff must suffer mental distress that manifests physically.

Physical distress may manifest itself in many ways. Many victims become physically ill after witnessing a traumatic event and others fall into unconsciousness. If you are left mentally scarred after an accident, you may have the right to seek damages.

Compensation For Emotional Distress

After your accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Emotional distress can lead to loss of wages, expensive medical bills and overall lowered quality of life. While the physical scars may heal, the emotional torment can last a lifetime. Emotional distress can have a profound effect on an individual’s life, both mentally and economically. Even if you feel physically all right after an accident, it is always a good idea to explore your legal options.

If you or someone you love is struggling to cope after an accident, contact the Khonsari Law Group attorneys today. We can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your emotional distress. Call today for a free consultation.

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