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Floridians May See Medical Marijuana on 2016 Ballot

Floridians May See Medical Marijuana on 2016 Ballot

This past November, many Floridians were disappointed when Proposition 2, the amendment that would legalize medical marijuana in the state of Florida, failed to pass. The proposition needed at least 60 percent to pass, but fell short by only 2 percent. However, supporters for medical marijuana have already started gearing up for the next election, gathering the 683,149 voter signatures needed to get a slightly altered amendment on the 2016 ballot. This time around, they will be addressing many of the issues that led to medical marijuana’s downfall in 2014.

What Will Be Different in 2016?

For the 2016 ballot, the new proposal addresses many of the “loopholes” that had voters concerned about medical marijuana. Specifically, the proposed amendment will limit exactly who can receive medical marijuana. Under the new amendment:

  • Only those with “debilitating medical conditions” could get medical marijuana.
  • Parents would have to give consent for their minor child to receive the drug.
  • Only specific licensed medical physicians can prescribe marijuana.
  • Felons could be denied the ability to be a “caregiver” of a patient who requires medical marijuana. That is to say, they could not deliver the medicine to a qualified patient under their care.

With these changes to the amendment, supporters hope to give medical marijuana a second chance in 2016. They also plan to focus on educating older voters. The medical marijuana message failed to connect with older voters, something they hope to change the second time around.

Florida’s Current Marijuana Laws

Currently, Florida is still set to legalize non-euphoric, low-THC marijuana to treat certain ailments, such as epilepsy, cancer, and other debilitating diseases. However, there has been little progress on deciding when, and how it will become available. The law has been bogged down in bureaucratic processes, challenges and court orders. Steps will be made towards making this “Charlotte’s Web” law a reality. A rule-making hearing is set for early in February to sort out the disputed details and to get patients the help they need.

While change is soon to come on the medical marijuana front in Florida, it is still illegal for anyone to possess any type of marijuana, despite their medical conditions. If you or someone you love has been charged with a drug related crime, call the experienced attorneys at the Khonsari Law Group. We are up to date with the latest news and information on drug laws and charges, and we are confident when it comes to defending your rights. Click here to book your free consultation.

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