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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

a police officer talking to a man on the phone

Collateral Consequences of a DUI Conviction in Florida

If you were arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Florida, you may be worried about possible fines, license suspension, or even jail time. While these well-known penalties often weigh on the mind of anyone charged with DUI, many people overlook or fail to consider all of the potential collateral consequences of a DUI convic [...]

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Can I Get a New Trial if There is New Evidence?

  Between podcasts, on-demand documentaries, and news stories from right here in Florida, you may have heard a lot about wrongfully convicted prisoners getting new trials. Most often these cases involve advancements in scientific testing, including DNA evidence. One of the most famous examples in Florida is the Wilton Dedge case. Dedge was [...]

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a person holding a bag of marijuana in front of their hand

How to Fight Marijuana Arrests

St. Petersburg’s Khonsari Law Group understands the anxiety and seriousness of facing a criminal drug charge. Drug arrests are at an all-time high, so much so that drug-related crimes are one of the most common criminal charges in the state. But, don’t despair. What may seem like an impossible situation to you is something we handle on a regula [...]

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a car key is sitting on top of a glass of alcohol

What If I’m Arrested For DUI In Florida, and I’m Under 21?

For most drivers, the legal limit for their blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 percent. However, if you are under the age of 21, the legal limit is a BAC of 0.02 percent. That means that if you have just one drink, you are likely going to be considered legally under the influence of alcohol. Florida law states that if you are under 21 years of age [...]

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a man holding a remote control next to a glass of alcohol

Common Misconceptions in Florida DUI Cases

A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is scary. It’s even scarier after you’ve heard horror stories—many of which are probably untrue—about DUI cases in Florida. When it comes to your individual case, we can help separate facts from fiction under Florida law. Here are some of the most common misconceptions heard by our St. Petersburg l [...]

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a wooden scale with a gavel on top of it

What to Do if You’re Arrested for a Crime You Didn’t Commit

If you are arrested for a crime that you did not commit, you should take several steps to ensure that you are released as soon as possible. First, follow all instructions given by the police; don’t refuse to cooperate, even though you know that you’re innocent. Keep in mind that the police are relying on what those involved in the incident told [...]

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wooden gavel and magnifying glass on black background

Filing for Expungement Without a Lawyer

Having a criminal record can hurt your employment opportunities, interfere with securing housing, and cause many other problems. Even arrests or charges that don’t result in conviction could negatively affect several aspects of your life. Fortunately, Florida law permits individuals to seal their criminal records, under certain circumstances. Whi [...]

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a woman in a business suit sitting at a desk with a laptop

Public Defender Versus Private Attorney: Which Is Best for a DUI Charge?

If you are charged with driving under the influence (DUI), you have an important initial decision to make—should you use the services of a public defender or retain a private DUI attorney? Understanding the differences between the two will help you determine the best route given your circumstances. What Is a Public Defender? You’ve likely hea [...]

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Federal Drug Charges versus State Drug Charges

Florida has a serious drug problem. An estimated 1.2 million Florida residents recently reported using some type of illegal substance. In 2017 alone, the DEA seized approximately 81,197 dosage units of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), also called ecstasy. An estimated five Florida residents die daily as a direct result of prescription drug ove [...]

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a bottle of wine, a glass and a key on a wooden table

What Does a DUI Lawyer Do?

If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence, you may be wondering what comes next. You are likely also considering whether to retain a criminal defense attorney to assist you with any criminal charges that you may be facing. What exactly does a DUI lawyer do? Is a lawyer worth the expense? Will my lawyer actually help me fight my char [...]

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