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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

probation is a legal term that is used to describe a person who has been convicted of

How Does Criminal Probation Work?

In a nutshell, criminal probation is a type of community supervision that a judge or court imposes as an alternative to jail time and other penalties. Probation is available for misdemeanor charges and convictions, as well as many felonies. During the probationary period, a criminal defendant is expected to abide by certain terms and conditions [...]

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a book with a magnifying glass, a magnifying glass, and a magnifying glass

How Does Voluntary Manslaughter Differ From Involuntary Manslaughter?

Under Florida law, the primary difference between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter largely revolves around the element of intent. Although both types of manslaughter are viewed as one under the Florida criminal statutes, whether the crime is viewed as voluntary or involuntary manslaughter can make a serious difference when it comes to a j [...]

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search warrant, red stamp on a grunge background

What is Probable Cause in Florida?

Probable cause has a very precise meaning under the law. If a judge issues a warrant, such as a search warrant, he or she must make the initial determination as to whether probable cause for the search exists. However, when a police officer is the one making the probable cause determination at a traffic stop or scene of a crime, the decision mu [...]

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fireworks in the sky

What Should I do if I am Pulled Over on the July 4 Holiday?

Seeing the flashing red and blue lights of a police car in your rearview mirror is never a pleasant experience for anyone—especially over the holidays. With the increased amount of traffic on St. Petersburg roads leading up to the Fourth of July, you can be sure that many police officers will be out and about. In addition to being on the look [...]

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juvenile justice in the united states

Miranda Rights and Juveniles: An Overview

Most people are familiar with the term “Miranda rights.” If you’ve ever watched a crime drama on television, it’s likely that you’ve heard this term. While it’s one thing to see a fictional scenario in which an actor reads the Miranda warning to another person who is playing a suspect, there’s a good chance that you might not understa [...]

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What to Look for in a St. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you start to think about the type of attorney you will need to work with on a criminal defense case, it’s easy to recognize they will need a different skill set than, for example, an attorney who can help you get your workers’ compensation benefits. Criminal defense lawyers typically will practice in a small partnership or even on their ow [...]

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a man is driving a boat in the ocean

Boating in Florida While Intoxicated Is a Crime

As summer quickly approaches, you’ll start to notice more people out in boats enjoying their weekends on the water. Boating is a popular recreational sport in Florida, and with a seemingly endless number of beautiful beaches to choose from, it’s not hard to see why. While relaxing on the water may seem like a perfect time to crack a few beers, [...]

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fireworks by james kennedy - city, landscape fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks

Celebrate Your Freedom By Staying Out of Jail on July 4

Across the entire country, the Fourth of July holiday is marked with celebration. Communities gather together to watch fireworks in the park, friends and family host backyard barbecues, and there is a general sense of pride in celebrating Independence Day in the United States. Unfortunately, with large group celebrations that often include alcohol, [...]

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bail bond in the form of a gavel

How a Defense Lawyer Can Help at Your Bail Hearing

When the court is portrayed on television, perhaps one of the most exploited moments are bail hearings. Like the jury verdict—the only more used trope—the bail hearing lends itself to emotion, as freedom literally hangs in the balance. Usually, there’s even a commercial break before the result. In real life, however, bail bond hearings are [...]

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a person in blue gloves is holding a piece of paper

Do You Need to Call a Lawyer for a Misdemeanor?

Misdemeanors in Florida FAQ In Florida, a misdemeanor is a criminal charge that’s punishable by less than one year of jail time. These charges are handled at the county court level (unless the charge is coupled with a felony charge). Sentences for misdemeanor convictions are less severe than those for felony convictions, but both are criminal co [...]

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