April 23, 2018
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Insurance Fraud is a Serious Crime
Insurance fraud is usually classified as a type of white-collar crime. “White collar crimes” are financially motivated and are usually accomplished with a pen or a computer—rather than with a gun or illegal drugs.
Significantly, white collar crimes like insurance fraud can be prosecuted under both state and federal laws, and the penalties [...]

If You Drive Professionally, a DUI Can End Your Career
Like everyone else, professional and commercial drivers who are convicted of a DUI can face serious criminal penalties. In addition to those penalties, commercial drivers, such as commercial truck drivers, may also lose their jobs—and their commercial driver’s license. In this way, a DUI can have devastating effects for professional drivers, ma [...]
April 20, 2018
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How a Marijuana Arrest Can Derail Your Future
In the State of Florida, marijuana remains illegal unless it used for medical purposes by an individual who has obtained a doctor’s authorization to use it. If you are charged with or convicted of a crime related to the possession or distribution of marijuana, you will have a criminal record. This record will be accessible to the general public� [...]
April 18, 2018
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Expunging a Conviction Can Improve Your Professional Opportunities
No one should have to be penalized an entire lifetime for making one bad choice. Under Florida law, you may be eligible to expunge your criminal record if you meet certain qualifications. A records expungement can greatly improve your professional and educational opportunities. This is because a criminal records expungement amounts to the physical [...]
April 16, 2018
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Did You Get a DUI in Florida this Spring Break?
Each year, thousands of college students descend on St. Petersburg for traditional spring break revelry—which often involves the consumption of alcohol. Unfortunately, for many students, spring break may also involve an alcohol-related criminal charge, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, or DUI.
If you have sustained a DUI in Flori [...]
April 13, 2018
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The Important of Reasonableness in Self-Defense Claims
Crimes of violence, such as assault, robbery, and murder, are serious crimes that carry heavy penalties if you are ultimately convicted. In some cases, however, you may be able to raise self-defense as a legal defense to your charge. Self-defense is a complete defense to a criminal charge and, if successful, can result in an acquittal or even a dis [...]
April 11, 2018
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Could Your DUI Case Get Dismissed?
If you have been formally accused of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), perhaps the best outcome possible is to obtain a dismissal of your case. Typically, cases are dismissed when a judge or prosecutor determines that there is enough evidence available to proceed with the case. This usually occurs when a defendant makes a successful leg [...]
April 9, 2018
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Burglary Can Be Much More than Theft
When most people think of burglars, they think of someone in a dark-brimmed hat, wearing a long black trench coat who breaks into homes to steal jewelry and other valuables. In Florida (and most states), however, the state can charge you with burglary even if you have not broken into another person’s home or business. You can also sustain a burgl [...]
April 6, 2018
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Florida Woman Charged with DUI for Riding Horse
When you think of drunk driving and DUIs, you usually think of motor vehicles and serious penalties, including fines and jail time. However, last November, a Florida woman was arrested when she rode a horse on a busy Florida highway. At the time of the arrest, she was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.
The woman was found riding a horse o [...]
April 4, 2018
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St. Petersburg Police are on the Lookout for Underage Drinkers
Police in St. Petersburg are cracking down on underage drinking—particularly this time of year during Spring Break. In Florida, underage possession of alcohol is a second-degree misdemeanor. A conviction can land you in jail for up to 60 days for a first offense.
If you are arrested for underage drinking, there will be a record of the incident [...]
April 2, 2018
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