January 13, 2018
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The Basics of Attorney-Client Privilege
If you’ve been accused of a crime, you might be tempted to talk about it with friends and family. You definitely shouldn’t. Anything you say can be used against you later in court. But there’s one person you can talk to - your criminal defense attorney. Anything you tell them is protected by attorney-client privilege, meaning your criminal de [...]

Can a Bar Fight Lead to Jail Time?
You probably go to a bar to unwind from a long day, but after a bar fight, you might soon find yourself relaxing in jail. To protect yourself, you’ll need an experienced St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney who can analyze the evidence and come up with your best defense.
Crimes You Might Commit
A bar fight might start with a stray remark or [...]
January 12, 2018
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Can I Exclude an Eyewitness Identification?
Nothing can be worse for a criminal defendant than to have a witness sit on the stand and identify you as the person who victimized them. However, in some situations, you can get an eyewitness identification thrown out of court by arguing that the identification procedure was unduly suggestive. If you succeed, you’ll help your case enormously.
H [...]
January 11, 2018
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Alternative Sentencing Programs in Florida
The main purpose of the criminal justice system is to punish criminals, usually with fines or jail time. However, offenders sometimes need rehabilitation more than they need a few years of prison. And sometimes rehabilitating offenders costs the state a lot less money than housing and feeding prisoners. For these reasons, Florida sometimes makes al [...]
January 10, 2018
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What is Circumstantial Evidence?
How many times have you heard a person declare, “You can’t convict him! The evidence is only circumstantial!” What this person doesn’t understand is that circumstantial evidence is often more than enough to convict someone of a crime. In fact, circumstantial is often better evidence than direct evidence. Read on to understand what circumsta [...]
January 9, 2018
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When Can Your Probation Be Revoked?
Probation allows you to serve your sentence outside of jail and is a big help for those with families and jobs. Unfortunately, probation is a privilege, not a right, and the court can sometimes revoke it. If you’re afraid of losing your probation, contact a qualified St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney to advise you about the right course of [...]
January 8, 2018
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The Importance of Objections at Trial
A criminal prosecution has several stages and your trial is not always the final stage. If you’re convicted, you will then have the right to an appeal, in which you ask a higher court to set aside your guilty verdict because of errors made in the court below. But to set yourself up for a successful appeal, you need to give the trial judge a chanc [...]
January 7, 2018
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St. Petersburg DUI FAQ
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense that requires a careful legal response. At Khonsari Law Group, we receive dozens of questions each week from people pulled over for suspected DUIs. Here are answers to some of the most common questions.
How Much Can I Drink Without Getting Arrested?
The amount depends on the person. According t [...]
January 5, 2018
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Six Tips for Being an Effective Witness
Testifying in court at a criminal trial can be a nerve-wracking experience. Not only are you speaking in front of people you don’t know, but you also might be aggressively cross-examined by an aggressive prosecutor. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you survive your time on the stand with flying colors.
Tip #1: Look Good
This is a [...]
January 4, 2018
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What Is Grand Theft in Florida?
In Florida, grand theft is the term used when someone takes property intentionally and without permission. If you stand accused of grand theft, then you need an aggressive St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney to defend you.
Grand Theft Defined
Section 812.014 of the Florida Statutes defines grand theft as consisting of the following elements:
January 3, 2018
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