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Criminal Defense Attorney in FL

What Is Embezzlement?

Florida property crimes all fall under the umbrella of theft offenses. Under the Florida criminal statute, theft is defined as the unauthorized taking or use of another person’s property, with the intent of depriving that person of the property on either a temporary or permanent basis. Embezzlement is one type of theft offense under Florida law. [...]

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Criminal Defense Lawyer in FL

The Bright White Line of White Collar Crime: Money Laundering

Money laundering dates back as early as 2000 BCE; people have always felt the frustration of seeing hard-earned dollars go to kings and queens or governments as taxes. So it’s not surprising that people have been trying to avoid paying taxes for centuries. What has advanced money laundering in this era of technology is the ability to contact stra [...]

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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida

Problems with Prescription Medication Are Skyrocketing

The epidemic of opiate abuse is rampant in the United States, and no corner of society has been left untouched. Opiate medications come in many different forms: codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, Norco, Vicodin, Lortab, Dilaudid, and Demerol are some of the most common. While many people are prescribed the medications after serious accidents or surger [...]

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St. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer

Venus Williams and Vehicular Homicide

It’s Wimbledon season! But unfortunately, this year’s tennis whites have been soiled by the upsetting and unfortunate case of champion tennis player Venus Williams and the car accident that caused the death of an elderly gentleman. Under Florida law, a person can be convicted of vehicular homicide if he causes the death of another while operat [...]

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St. Petersburg Florida Criminal Defense Attorney

Did You Violate Your Probation?

Under Florida law, violating one’s criminal probation can come with very serious penalties and consequences. It is also important to note that in probation violation cases, the State—or the prosecution—has a much lower burden of proof than in other criminal cases, and there are fewer procedural hurdles and constitutional restrictions to overc [...]

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Foreign Nationals Need to Think Twice About Accepting a Plea Agreement

Plea deals are sometimes a way for both sides—the defendant and the prosecution—to resolve a criminal case in a way that avoids the uncertainties involved with taking a case to trial. However, if you are an immigrant, a plea bargain—or a plea deal—may end up being a worse deal than it appears to be. It can subject you to deportation or remo [...]

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St. Petersburg Criminal Defense Attorney

Mandatory Minimum Sentences Fail Opiate Addicted Offenders

Florida has been hit hard with the rising abuse of prescription opiate medication. While health care professionals have taken little responsibility for the self-serving prescription propaganda that has turned opiates into common household cure-alls, the unsuspecting patients that become addicted are paying the price, behind bars. Only as recently [...]

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a scale with a glass of whiskey and a car keys

Penalties for a DUI Manslaughter

Traffic fatalities bring about unfortunate and tragic consequences for everyone involved. Pursuant to Florida law, a DUI manslaughter charge comes about when a driver causes another person’s death while operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The possible penalties associated with a DUI manslaughter conviction are ser [...]

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a justice scale sits on a table in front of a courtroom

What Happens at a Criminal Trial

A Florida criminal trial can be a confusing process. In Florida, there are two types of trials: bench trials and jury trials. At a bench trial, the outcome of the case (usually a minor case) is decided by a judge, while six or more jurors decide the outcome of a jury trial. Most Florida trials are jury trials. If you have been charged with a crime [...]

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Criminal Traffic Violation St. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer

Speeding Your Way to a Criminal Record

Have you ever had that dreaded sinking feeling when you notice a police car following you with its lights on? Suddenly, you look down at the speedometer and realize you were going over the speed limit. Could your conduct behind the wheel make you guilty of a crime rather than a simple traffic offense? Let’s look at a couple of possible scenarios. [...]

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