July 10, 2017
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Regaining The Right to Vote in Florida
Anyone who is convicted of (or pleads guilty to) a felony, loses a variety of civil rights. Just which rights are lost – and whether and how they can be restored – generally depends on whether the felony in question involved a federal crime or a state crime and, most importantly, on the state in which the felon resides.
One of the most common [...]

Cross-examination at a Florida Criminal Trial
Contrary to what you may have seen on television, there is nothing glamorous about a criminal trial. Rather, a criminal trial can be a very long, involved, and time-consuming process. Florida law provides for two types of criminal trials. At a criminal bench trial, the judge listens to the evidence presented during the trial and decides the case. A [...]
July 5, 2017
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Direct Examination at a Florida Criminal Trial
Direct examination at a Florida criminal trial allows the defendant to tell his or her version of events. Although Florida law provides for both criminal bench trials and jury trials, most criminal trials are jury trials. Clear and concise direct examination answers can go a long way in maximizing the effectiveness of your testimony and can increas [...]
July 3, 2017
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What is a Plea Bargain and What Rights Do You Give up by Accepting One?
In many criminal cases, you have the option of accepting a plea bargain (also called a “plea deal” or “plea agreement”) or going forward with a Florida criminal trial. Unfortunately, a criminal trial can be a long, involved process that lasts for many days or even weeks. Moreover, the outcome of a criminal trial can be extremely uncertain, [...]
June 26, 2017
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Why There’s Much More to a Criminal Trial than Witness Testimony
A Florida criminal trial is oftentimes a complicated and lengthy process. However, contrary to what most people believe, there’s much more to a criminal trial than witness testimony that is presented on the witness stand. Other factors, such as the defendant’s conduct and body language on and off the stand, play a large role in how a criminal d [...]
June 23, 2017
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Criminal Probation in Florida: What You Need to Know
For most people, probation represents a second chance, but it is important to follow the terms of your probation, strictly. While you are not serving time in jail, it is still important to understand that the terms of your probation must be followed to the letter. Failing to do so could put you at risk of being locked up.
In Florida, criminal prob [...]
June 21, 2017
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Police Are on the Lookout for Drunk Drivers Around the 4th of July
Memorial Day has passed, and summer has unofficially arrived. Like Memorial Day, July 4th is a holiday when police officers are on the hunt for drunk drivers on the road in Florida. It is important for drivers to know their rights and responsibilities when it comes to drinking alcohol and driving. Here are a few tips that will help you stay safe [...]
June 14, 2017
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Question: Can You Negotiate a Plea Bargain Without an Attorney?
The answer to the question is “maybe, but you probably should not.”
Many people are reluctant to hire an attorney to help them settle their criminal case. If they do not see their case going to trial, they think they can handle a simple plea bargain on their own. Here are four reasons why that is a terrible idea:
The Prosecutor Doesn’t Re [...]
June 12, 2017
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4 Benefits of Having Your Florida Criminal Record Expunged
Many people have had experiences in the past that they wish they could erase. If you have blemishes on your criminal record, expungement might be an option for you. Here are four good reasons you should consider contacting a Florida criminal record expungement attorney today.
Everyone knows it can be difficult to find the right job. You [...]
June 9, 2017
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Am I a Shoplifter?
Pretend you are in your favorite retail store, and you notice a great clearance deal. You find a blue shirt that you really like in your size, but only the purple shirts are marked with the clearance price. So, you take a clearance tag from one of the purple shirts and stick it on the blue shirt. Then, you pay for your newly discounted shirt and he [...]
June 2, 2017
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