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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

What Is the Florida Three-Strikes Law?

What Is the Florida Three Strikes Law?

The Florida three strikes law was imposed in an effort to inflict harsher penalties on habitual offenders who have been convicted of three or more serious criminal offenses. Through the three strikes law, habitual offenders face physical incapacitation via imprisonment so they cannot continue committing serious crimes. Florida Three Strikes Law Wit [...]

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What Are My Rights at a DUI Checkpoint?

What Are My Rights at a DUI Checkpoint?

In Florida, as with many states, the police use DUI or sobriety checkpoints as a way of cracking down on drinking and driving. In these checkpoints, officers block off the road with police vehicles, signs, warning lights and traffic cones to funnel traffic into a single line to allow them to check for drivers who are under the influence. These roa [...]

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Should I Hire an Attorney to Handle My DUI Case?

Should I Hire an Attorney to Handle My DUI Case?

A DUI is a serious charge and it comes with serious consequences. Many believe that they can fight the charges themselves. However, by doing this, you will be gambling with your freedom and your ability to drive. You want someone familiar with the court system who has extended knowledge of the court systems on your side. This is especially true if [...]

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How Can an Attorney Help: Premises Liability

How Can an Attorney Help: Premises Liability

If you have been involved in a premises liability case, you may think you are able to appropriately represent yourself in or out of court. Not all premise liability cases are the same however, and if you choose to defend yourself, you could find yourself in a less-than-favorable situation. What is Premises Liability? When we visit a place, whether [...]

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How Do Police Obtain a Warrant For My Arrest?

How Do Police Obtain a Warrant For My Arrest?

An arrest warrant is a written order signed by judge and sent to a law enforcement official calling for the arrest of a person. A warrant may be issued after a person is named as a person of interest in a crime and if there is sufficient evidence that they have committed this crime. It may also be issued after an individual has missed a court date [...]

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How Long Will It Take to Resolve My Case?

How Long Will It Take to Resolve My Case?

If you are in the middle of a legal case, it can be very frustrating to wait for the case to be resolved. Contrary to what some people believe, resolving a case cannot be done overnight, and in some instances, resolving a case can take years. Ultimately, it is difficult to determine how long it will take to resolve a case because each case is uniqu [...]

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What Is Fruit of the Poisonous Tree?

What Is Fruit of the Poisonous Tree?

Evidence is one of the most important facets of all legal matters—sometimes, it is the evidence that makes or breaks the entire case. While obtaining evidence is essential to proving an individual’s innocence or guilt, the evidence must be obtained legally. When evidence is not obtained legally, it can fall under the “Fruit of the Poisonous T [...]

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How to Prepare for Your Legal Consultation

How to Prepare for Your Legal Consultation

If you have been involved in a matter with the law, you will likely meet with your attorney for an initial consultation. This initial consultation is extremely important in order for your attorney to get a feel for your specific case and situation so he or she can devise a strategic plan and ultimately defend your rights in an effective manner. Bec [...]

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What Is Alternative Sentencing?

What Is Alternative Sentencing?

When an individual commits a crime, some sort of punishment is expected. While jail time is the image that conjures up in the minds of most people, there are many types of alternative sentencing. Alternative sentencing is any type of sentencing besides jail or prison time and is typically imposed when an individual commits a crime that is not serio [...]

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What Are the Possible Outcomes of My DUI Case?

What Are the Possible Outcomes of My DUI Case?

Because of the dangerous nature of DUI cases, Florida has severe penalties for those who are caught drinking and driving. Serious fines, loss of driving privileges and even jail time are all possible outcomes for those who drive while under the influence. Here are just some of the possible outcomes of a DUI case. Fines When you are arrested for a D [...]

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