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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

Am I Liable if Someone Else Gets In an Accident With My Car?

Am I Liable if Someone Else Gets In an Accident With My Car?

We all do it—your sister needs to make a trip to the grocery store, a friend needs to run an errand—but they need to borrow your car. Seems harmless right? After all, they are responsible, licensed drivers and would never get into an accident. Think again! Accidents happen, regardless of how responsible we might be, but if you lend your car to [...]

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What Are the Statutes of Limitations for Criminal Cases?

Statute of Limitations Florida Criminal Law

Statutes of limitations can be either federal or state laws that place a restriction on the amount of time that can pass between a crime being committed and a person being charged with that crime. Once the allotted time has passed, charges cannot be brought against the person accused of committing the crime. Generally, the time limit starts on the [...]

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How Do I View My Criminal Record?

How Do I View My Criminal Record?

Any individual who has ever been arrested or convicted has some sort of criminal record. This record is publicly available and may include anything from felonies to simple traffic violations. If you have been arrested or convicted and have a criminal record, it is important to know what is listed on your record. This is important because you will w [...]

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Could I Get a DUI While Riding a Bicycle?

Can You Get a DUI On a Bicycle in Florida?

When you think of someone being charged for driving under the influence (DUI), you probably imagine them behind the wheel of a car. However, under Florida law, a person may be charged with DUI even if they are not driving a car. In fact, any mode of transportation that uses public streets is considered a vehicle, and “driving” includes operatin [...]

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How Do I Reach a Plea Bargain?

How Do I Reach a Plea Bargain?

Criminal cases are settled with plea bargains each day. For less serious criminal matters, plea bargaining can be a good option for defendants who want to avoid the uncertainty of going to trial and save time and money in the process. What is a Plea Bargain? A plea bargain, also known as a plea deal or plea agreement, is an agreement between the de [...]

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Know Your Rights: The Fourth Amendment

Know Your Rights: The Fourth Amendment

The only way you can protect your rights is by knowing them. The United States Constitution was created to serve and protect the rights of American citizens. This is why the Constitution is the most important legal document to understand if you want to guard your rights. In this blog, we will be covering the Fourth Amendment. This Amendment protec [...]

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Can I Get Deported for My Crime?

Can I Get Deported for My Crime?

Hundreds of thousands of people immigrate to the United States annually. Because gaining access in the United States can be challenging, it is important that immigrant residents do not face any legal trouble that could jeopardize this process. Even if someone has a non-immigrant visa or a green card, facing criminal charges could potentially be gro [...]

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What is a Juvenile Diversion Program?

What is a Juvenile Diversion Program?

When young adults commit a low-level offense on a one-time occasion, traditional forms of incarceration can seem extreme. While the offense may not warrant jail time, if the crime still deserves some type of sentencing, a diversion program may be a good option. What is Diversion? Typically reserved for youthful offenders and young adults, diversion [...]

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Know Your Rights: The First Amendment

Know Your Rights: The First Amendment

The First Amendment in the United States Constitution was placed in the Bill of Rights by our Founders to guarantee citizens their basic freedoms. The First Amendment and the accompanying amendments in the Bill of Rights alike are an essential part of the United States as a whole, yet many do not know or understand these rights. However, knowing an [...]

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Definition of the Week: Due Process

Definition of the Week: Due Process

As American citizens, we have the right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. These rights cannot be taken away from us by the government or any other entity without due process. This is a fundamental principle on which our country was founded. It is important to understand what the due process is and how it protects your rights. [...]

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