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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

Medical Marijuana Attorney in St. Petersburg

Medical Marijuana in Florida

After her father refused to illegally take medical marijuana to relieve his symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, the founder of People United for Medical Marijuana took action. The group, which launched in 2009, has since started a petition to get the medical marijuana issue on the November 2014 general election ballot. The petition was started in J [...]

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Hip Implant Injury Lawyer in St. Petersburg

DePuy ASR Hip Implant Device Recall

In August of 2010, Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of DePuy, recalled over 93,000 of their metal-on-metal hip implant devices worldwide. About a third of those devices recalled were in the United States, where only the DePuy ASR Acetabular System was sold. The DePuy recall came after the company found out that its ASR products had a “h [...]

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Texting and Driving Car Accident Attorney in St. Petersburg

Florida Texting and Driving Ban Could Become a Primary Offense

On Oct. 1, 2013 Florida’s ban on texting while driving went into effect. The new law makes it a secondary offense to be texting while driving, but drivers are still permitted to use their phones to make calls and for navigation purposes. The law also prohibits both sending and reading data “for the purpose of non-voice interpersonal communicati [...]

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