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If You Drive Professionally, a DUI Can End Your Career

a man in a hat and shirt standing next to a truck

Like everyone else, professional and commercial drivers who are convicted of a DUI can face serious criminal penalties. In addition to those penalties, commercial drivers, such as commercial truck drivers, may also lose their jobs—and their commercial driver’s license. In this way, a DUI can have devastating effects for professional drivers, making it impossible them to earn a living.

If you are a professional driver and have been charged with a DUI, you need experienced legal representation by your side. The St. Petersburg DUI criminal defense lawyers at Khonsari Law Group can review the facts and circumstances of your charge and arrest with you and determine whether there are any defenses available in your case. Our experienced team of attorneys may be able to help minimize the professional consequences of a commercial DUI charge or arrest.

DUI Limits for Florida Commercial Drivers

Commercial drivers are held to a higher standard than other motorists on St. Petersburg roadways. This is because they hold a professional license, are typically being paid for their services, and often drive massive vehicles that are capable of causing extremely serious injuries when they are involved in accidents. One way of measuring a driver’s level of intoxication is by determining his or her blood alcohol concentration, or BAC.

While the normal DUI limit for most Florida drivers (as well as nationwide) is 0.08 percent, the legal limit for commercial drivers, including tractor-trailer drivers, is 0.04 percent. This means that if a commercial driver’s BAC is found to be 0.04 percent or above while operating a commercial vehicle, then he or she may be convicted of DUI.

Penalties for Driving a Commercial Vehicle While Intoxicated

If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and are convicted of driving a commercial vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, you can be subject to serious penalties. First of all, you will be disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle for one year for the first offense. In this instance, you will not be eligible to obtain a hardship license. Rather, you must wait for a period of twelve months. After that time period expires, you must pay a fee in order to restore your CDL.

Moreover, you can be permanently disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle if you sustained any previous disqualification under Florida statute.

Even a temporary inability to drive a commercial vehicle can have a negative effect on a driver’s employment prospects well into the future. Not only will you be unable to work for at least a year, you will likely also need to explain the gap in employment later on. Permanent disqualification may end a driver’s career.

Call an Experienced St. Petersburg DUI Defense Lawyer Today for a Free Legal Consultation

If you are a CDL holder and were charged or arrested with a Florida DUI, retain an experienced immediately. A criminal defense attorney will be able to identify and raise any legal defenses that may apply in your case and help you resolve the matter in the most favorable way possible.

To schedule a free consultation and case evaluation with a St. Petersburg, Florida DUI defense lawyer, please call us at (727) 269-5300 contact us online.

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