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How Long Will It Take to Resolve My Case?

How Long Will It Take to Resolve My Case?

If you are in the middle of a legal case, it can be very frustrating to wait for the case to be resolved. Contrary to what some people believe, resolving a case cannot be done overnight, and in some instances, resolving a case can take years. Ultimately, it is difficult to determine how long it will take to resolve a case because each case is unique in its own way. While it may be difficult to determine exactly how long the duration of the case will be, you should be wary of settling too soon as well. In any case, here is what you should know about how long it could take to settle and why waiting it out is sometimes your best bet.

Be Cautious of “Quick” Settlements

It is impossible to determine exactly how long it will take to resolve your case, but lawyers can and will tell you otherwise. Keep in mind that there is no way of knowing how long your case will take, so if a lawyer promises you a quick settlement, be cautious. A lawyer may be eager to take on your case thinking he or she will be able to settle quickly and profit off of you. However, quick settlements do not garner as much compensation as cases that take longer to settle, which can cause dire consequences for you.

Do Not Settle Too Soon

Keeping the above in mind, it is important to remember to never settle too soon—so, if you are feeling eager to resolve your case quickly, think again. Settling too soon can greatly affect your life for years to come if you are not careful.

Consider this: You are injured in an accident at the fault of another driver. The accident sends you to the emergency room, but luckily, at the time, the injury wasn’t severe enough that you had to be admitted. You experience neck and back pain as well as some stiffness but you did not believe it to be anything too serious. A few weeks go by and you realize the pain is not getting better—it is actually worsening each day. You consult your doctor who orders physical therapy and bed rest. At this point, you are out of work, you have bills piling up, and you start thinking that a quick settlement is your best option since you need money now—should you settle?

Patience is a Virtue

While settling quickly may be the most convenient option at the time, be patient. Consider that your neck and back pain turns out to be a spinal fracture and will change your life forever. If you had settled before realizing that your injuries were far worse than suspected, you would have never gotten the true compensation you deserve. When you take into consideration that all of the elements of a case—visiting the legal counsel, providing details of your case, the investigation, interviews, evidence and more—the period of recovery increases. Ultimately, patience is virtue when it comes to resolving your case.

With any case, having the appropriate legal representation is a must. The team at the Khonsari Law Group is experienced in a variety of legal matters and can help defend your rights. Do not risk your freedom and call KLG today.

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