November 19, 2018
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Standards for Opioid Intoxication When Driving
The opioid crisis is the headline on local and national news every day. Daily, more than 115 people in the United States die after an opioid overdose. Prescription pain pills, heroin, and synthetic opioids like fentanyl cause those who are addicted to the drugs to contribute to the rising costs of healthcare, lost productivity, treatment expenses, [...]

What Happens if I Violate a Restraining Order?
A restraining order, or as it’s more formally called in Florida, a personal protection order, is a court order designed to restrict your behavior. In most cases, the court issues a restraining order to keep you from bothering or harming a specific person. While people have requested restraining orders for some pretty silly reasons, courts will on [...]
November 14, 2018
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Juvenile Arrest for Possession of Alcohol
In 2009, minors consumed 9.5 percent of all alcohol sold in Florida. Nationwide, the CDC reports that people ages 12 to 20 years drink 11 percent of all alcohol, more than 90 percent in the form of binge drinking. According to Florida Statutes §562.111, however, people younger than 21 cannot possess alcohol. This prohibition includes commercial be [...]
November 9, 2018
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Busted for Cocaine? Now What?
Getting caught with cocaine in Georgia is a serious affair: In agreement with the DEA, Georgia lawmakers consider cocaine a Schedule II drug. Having cocaine in your possession carries far more serious ramifications than getting caught with a few ounces of marijuana, for example.
Whether police find you with a quarter ounce of cocaine or carrying [...]
November 5, 2018
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Is It Worth Getting a Lawyer for a DUI if I Failed the Breathalyzer?
Like most states, drivers in Florida accept that they are subject to implied consent statutes when they operate a motor vehicle. This means if police stop you for suspicion of operating under the influence, you are obligated to take field sobriety tests—one of which is a Breathalyzer test. What is not always clear is what options you have should [...]
October 24, 2018
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Methamphetamine Arrests in Florida
Methamphetamine, also known by its street names ice, crystal, speed, and crank, is a highly addictive and dangerous drug. While its medicinal forms are legal, albeit highly restricted, a user who does not possess a valid prescription may face third degree felony charges.
Beyond that, a person who possesses a chemical essential to making methamphet [...]
October 19, 2018
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Am I Responsible for a DUI That a Guest at My Party Received?
Last year in Florida, authorities issued 43,899 driving under the influence (DUI ) violation tickets, resulting in 24,334 DUI convictions.
If you host a party that involves alcohol and/or drugs, and from which some guests are driving home, there is always a chance that one or more of your guests end the night with a DUI arrest. Not only do drunk [...]
October 15, 2018
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Can You Vote in Florida With a Felony?
People convicted of felony offenses often continue to struggle with the consequences for years after their release. Felony convictions are included on your criminal record, and most background checks will reveal them. Felony convictions can make finding employment, obtaining federal loans, and securing housing more difficult.
A felony conviction c [...]
October 10, 2018
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The Many Collateral Consequences of Driving Under the Influence
Florida law makes driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemical substances, or controlled substances one offense, proven by “impairment of normal faculties” or an unlawful blood alcohol or breath alcohol level of 0.08 percent or more. Regardless of how prosecutors prove the offense, the penalties are the same.
A person’s fir [...]
October 5, 2018
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How Do I Beat a Prescription Fraud Charge?
Prescription fraud has become an epidemic in the United States. To prevent it, many pharmacies and medical facilities have enacted strict security measures regarding prescription drugs. As a result of this crackdown, the number of prescription fraud charges has surged in recent years, including those based on false accusations. If you are charged w [...]
October 1, 2018
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