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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

a man in a police uniform with his arms crossed

Can Police Claim Protections Under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law”?

The initial purpose of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law” was to ensure that ordinary citizens have the right to defend themselves without fear of an arrest or trial. Lately, however, Florida police officers have tried to avail themselves of the law. Proponents say that the law applies to “any person”—and that police officers obviously [...]

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a man sitting in the driver's seat with his head on the steering wheel

The Auto-Brewery Syndrome Drunk Driving Defense

Under Florida law, if a police officer stops you and your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is determined 0.08 percent or higher after taking a breathalyzer test, the officer will arrest you for drunk driving. The BAC threshold is even more stringent for minors (those who are younger than 21) and commercial drivers holding a CDL license. Fortunatel [...]

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a group of people posing for a photo on a boat

Boating While Intoxicated in St. Petersburg

Boating is a favorite pastime of many people in the St. Petersburg area. Although most boaters are safe, in some situations boating can result in serious injuries. One of the most dangerous occurs whenever individuals operate a boat while intoxicated. Consequences for Boating While Intoxicated It is, of course, illegal to operate a boat while i [...]

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a man in a hoodie holding a gun

Weapons Offenses in Florida

According to the Centers for Disease Control, Florida recorded 2559 firearm-related deaths in 2016. Florida, a state that is known for being tough on crime, continues to face problems stemming from gun and weapons violence. Weapons offenses in Florida can range from misdemeanors to felonies. A conviction for a weapons offense can have a lasting im [...]

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sexual misconduct - sexual misconduct - sexual misconduct - sexual misconduct - sexual misconduct - sexual misconduct - sexual

Have You Been Falsely Accused of Sexual Misconduct?

Recent major news networks have focused on the growing allegations of sexual assault committed by men in power. Despite the growing attention drawn to this behavior, there are still approximately 321,500 cases of sexual assault in the United States each year. Sexual assault is a serious crime that affects victims both physically and mentally. Sexua [...]

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death penalty in india

The Death Penalty in Florida

One of the most controversial topics in the United States is the use of the death penalty. The death penalty, which is also known as capital punishment, is the most severe criminal punishment. And despite the controversy surrounding the death penalty, it remains in use in Florida. In Florida, individuals may be put to death if they have been found [...]

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a young man sitting on the ground with his hands on his head

Minors Facing Criminal Charges

Minors—those who are under the age of 18—think differently than adults, and that difference is not always recognized by the criminal justice system. These differences in thinking occur because minors’ brains are still developing. As a result, minors often make decisions and handle situations in a manner opposite of what is expected. Failing t [...]

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a man in a suit and tie holding handcuffs

White Collar Crime Basics

The term "white collar crime" is more of a widely acknowledged phrase given to the classification of crime than an actual legal definition. White collar crimes are inherently nonviolent crimes and involve either fraud or dishonesty. The nature of these crimes is financial as opposed to more "violent" crimes such as assault and battery. Although th [...]

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a man in a police uniform is checking his cell phone

Can Police Stop You Whenever They Want?

One area of confusion for many Floridians is that of police stops. Many Floridians are unaware as to exactly when they may be stopped, questioned, or searched by police. Because of this confusion, many ask, "Just when can a police officer stop me?" A police officer is not able to just stop anyone whenever they choose. According to Florida's "Stop [...]

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a man in a police car is talking to a woman in the back of a car

How Losing Your License Can Affect You

Losing your license can have a negative impact on your ability to work, to develop your career, and with other aspects of your life. While it is important to remain proactive in avoiding behavior that may compromise your ability to maintain your license, mistakes are sometimes made. How Can You Lose Your License? There are several ways to lose [...]

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