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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

Multilevel Marketing vs. Pyramid Schemes

Multilevel Marketing vs. Pyramid Schemes

Today, many multilevel marketing, or MLM, programs operate legitimately. Problems occur when the design of a sales program violates laws prohibiting pyramid schemes. Sometimes Florida residents find distinguishing legal MLMs from scams, such as pyramid schemes, confusing. Why Pyramid Schemes Pose Problems Laws exist in Florida and the federal gover [...]

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Know Your Rights Search-and-Seizure Law

Know Your Rights: Search-and-Seizure Law

When police stop people or ask to search their cars or homes, it is important for them to understand their rights. State and federal laws place limits on the manner in which police conduct seizures and searches. Florida has adopted the U.S. Constitution's Fourth Amendment limitations on searches and seizures into its own constitution at Art. 12, se [...]

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5 Things to Know About Sobriety Checkpoints

5 Things to Know About Sobriety Checkpoints

Before holiday weekends, police will often route cars through roadside sobriety checkpoints. Police detain drivers, regardless of whether they have committed any offense or not, at these checkpoints for a short period. Although sobriety checkpoints are legal, many people feel this inconvenience violates their Fourth Amendment rights. Objective of S [...]

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Do I Need to Call the Police If I've Been in a Fender Bender?

Do I Need to Call the Police If I’ve Been in a Fender Bender?

After a minor accident, colloquially known as a fender bender, drivers often think they can keep things simple by not involving the police. They might just exchange insurance information or negotiate an informal settlement. While these arrangements can sometimes resolve the matter, police involvement will help protect drivers’ interests. When Sho [...]

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How the Volkswagen Emissions Violations Might Affect Drivers

How the Volkswagen Emissions Violations Might Affect Drivers

The revelation that Volkswagen installed software on 11 million cars to cheat on government emissions tests will cost the company in terms of lost sales, a tarnished brand, fines and a bevy of lawsuits. The true impact on the owners of the affected cars, however, is less clear. Admission of Guilt VW has already admitted it installed software that t [...]

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What are the Penalties for a Dine and Dash?

What are the Penalties for a Dine and Dash?

The dine and dash is nothing new anywhere in the country, but it happens so often in Florida that the legislature specifically made it a crime. Florida Statute 509.151(1) makes it illegal to obtain food at any foodservice establishment with the intent to defraud the operator. The offense is commonly known as defrauding an innkeeper. Value Less Than [...]

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Things to Know About White Collar Theft

Things to Know About White Collar Theft

Unlike petit theft or grand larceny, where a thief steals property from an unknown or distant victim, white-collar thieves steal money through covert means in some business or professional context. In all cases, however, white-collar theft lacks violence and stems from an economic motive. Offenses Considered White-Collar Theft Examples of white-col [...]

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Four Things to Know About EMV Chips

Four Things to Know About EMV Chips

Credit card companies in the United States have begun issuing cards with a new technology known as “Europay, MasterCard and Visa,” or EMV. The new cards will have a small computer chip that makes it difficult to counterfeit the card. Anyone who has received a new credit card in the past month may have a card with the new technology. Even some d [...]

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What is the FL Statute of Limitations for Breach of Contract?

What is the Florida Statute of Limitations for Breach of Contract?

Breach of contract disputes are subject to certain time limits within which the issue must be brought before the court. This time limit is known as the statute of limitations. If you fail to file a lawsuit within the statute of limitations, the case could get dismissed and you would be unable to enforce the contract. The time limit varies based upo [...]

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Is Moonshine Legal in Florida?

Is Moonshine Legal in Florida?

In Florida, possession of moonshine is illegal and may lead to criminal charges. According to section 562.451 of Florida Statutes, anyone who possesses moonshine, or liquor not made or manufactured in compliance with Florida law, may be guilty of a misdemeanor or felony. The extent of punishment for possession of moonshine depends on the quantity i [...]

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