September 14, 2015
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Is a Warrant Required to Search My Internet History?
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution guarantees citizens the right to be free against “unreasonable searches and seizures.” Unless police have probable cause or a valid warrant, your person and property are safe from intrusive searches.
The explosion of new technology has proved problematic in the realm of privacy rights. A cell phone toda [...]

Things to Know About Being Taken Into Custody
If you're taken into police custody, you're under arrest. That doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be charged with a crime, but you're not free to leave.
What Happens If You’re Taken Into Custody
You might be released in 10 minutes and free to leave, or you might be transported to jail where you can either post a bail bond or await a ba [...]
September 11, 2015
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Can I File for an Expunction?
Expunging a criminal record can provide a second chance for someone, and the expungement process can begin immediately after a case is dismissed and closed. With the advent of instant background checks, criminal history can affect occupational, educational, housing and banking opportunities.
Having a Criminal History Record Sealed vs. Expunged
The [...]
September 11, 2015
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What Happens If I Receive Stolen Property?
In Florida, it is against the law for anyone to accept property that they know, or reasonably should have known, was stolen. However, what happens when you have no idea that the item was stolen?
Receipt of Stolen Property
You can be charged with receiving stolen property if you knowingly purchase, obtain, receive or possess an item that you should [...]
September 9, 2015
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Am I Being Detained and Arrested?
Some significant differences exist between the act of being stopped and the act of arrest. For legal purposes, and because they can follow each other in quick succession, detention and arrest are the same. The word “detain” means “to hold.” The police can detain a person if they have reason to believe that he or she is doing something suspi [...]
September 9, 2015
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5 Florida Court Cases That Made History
Although many associate Florida with sand and sunshine, this southern state has been the location for several historic court cases that captivated the nation. Some of the cases were outlandish murder trials that are still discussed today, while others brought about changes in the political and legal climate.
Ted Bundy
Although he admitted to killin [...]
September 7, 2015
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How Do I Know If a Product Is Being Recalled?
A recall is an action taken by the government or a manufacturer when a product could pose a health or safety problem to the public. The recall may require that the item be removed from the market or a consumer may be able to replace the item with a newer model without the defect. In some cases, such as vehicle recalls, a consumer may be instructed [...]
September 7, 2015
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Can I Sue For Food Poisoning?
Food poisoning can occur in any type of restaurant or food distribution center. It is most often the result of mishandling foods, either by improper storage or sanitary issues. Food poisoning can cause serious health related issues and, in some cases, death.
Food Poisoning and Product Liability
Under Florida law, food poisoning is usually clas [...]
September 5, 2015
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Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Personal Injury Case
When you are involved in a personal injury case, you must realize that everything you do or say can be held against you by the opposing counsel. It is the job of the opposing attorney to find reason to deny your claim for compensation. With this in mind, there are a few things that everyone should consider to prevent sabotaging their personal injur [...]
September 3, 2015
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Quick Facts About DUIs
Most people do not realize how the severity of DUI conviction can affect their personal lives. Many assume that they should admit to a DUI if arrested and just pay the fine. However, a DUI conviction involves much more than a fine.
The State Of Florida Prosecutes DUI’s To The Fullest Extent
In Florida, if you are convicted of a DUI, even if it is [...]
September 1, 2015
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