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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog

Explaining Florida DUI Laws

Explaining Florida DUI Laws

A DUI is classified as an offense in which an individual over the age of 21 drives impaired with a blood or breath alcohol level of 0.08 or more. For those who are facing a DUI under the age of 21, the consequences can be more severe. There is zero tolerance for underage drinking and driving, so a police officer is able to arrest a minor with a bre [...]

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Criminal Defense Lawyer in St. Petersburg

What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do?

A criminal defense attorney is a lawyer who represents those charged with a possible crime and those who are concerned about potentially being charged. A person charged with a crime is known as a defendant. A prosecutor is an attorney employed by the government to prosecute individuals and organizations who are believed to have committed a crime. [...]

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Vehicular Homicide Definition

Definition of the Week: Vehicular Homicide

Vehicular homicide is the killing of a person by the use of a motor vehicle, operated in a reckless manner by another person. The term is sometimes referred to vehicular manslaughter in the state of Florida because the law does not require that the person responsible know that the accident resulted in death. In the state of Florida, vehicular homi [...]

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White Collar Crime lawyer in St. Petersburg Florida

What is a White Collar Crime?

You do not have to be a large corporation to be charged with a white collar crime. Anyone who commits a financially motivated, nonviolent crime, through the course of a person’s business could face white collar charges. Such crimes end up costing the U.S. government and taxpayers more than $300 billion each year. White Collar Crime On the Smalle [...]

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Are Burglary and Robbery the same thing in Florida?

Are Burglary and Robbery the Same Thing?

Burglary and robbery are two different crimes in Florida, each with their own definitions and penalties. Many people use the words as synonyms despite the fact that there are some significant and important distinctions between the two crimes. Here is a brief overview on how the crimes differ. Burglary When someone comes home to discover all their p [...]

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How do you defend a DUI case?

How Do You Defend a DUI Charge

Instances of DUI criminal offenses have become increasingly common in the United States, year after year. A lapse in judgment or a single drink before getting behind the wheel of a car can often destroy the lives of even the most responsible drivers. Your best chances of success in any court case are to know the best strategies as early as possibl [...]

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Vehicular Homicide vs Vehicular Manslaughter

A Florida driver whose negligent or reckless actions cause a death faces potential criminal liability for one of two related, but different crimes: vehicular homicide or vehicular manslaughter (also known as DUI manslaughter). Under longstanding Florida case law, a driver cannot be charged with both crimes for the same death. Rather, if state’s a [...]

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Personal Injury Lawyer in St. Petersburg

What is a Personal Injury Attorney?

A personal injury lawyer is a type of civil litigator who provides legal representation to individuals who have been physically or psychologically injured as a result of negligent acts or wrongdoings of an individual, a company, government agency or other entity. Even though personal injury lawyers are trained and licensed to practice in virtually [...]

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Rohom Khonsari Attorney in St. Petersburg

Our Very Own, Rohom Khonsari, Was Featured in ABC’s Action News Segment

Every week, Sarina Fazan interviews local politicians, leaders, and newsmakers for the ABC Action News segment, “10 Questions.” The interviews aim to give viewers insight into the lives of those who shape the Tampa Bay Area community. We were honored to have our very own founder and managing partner, Rohom Khonsari, featured this week’s ABC n [...]

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What is the Youthful Offender Act in Florida?

What is the Youthful Offender Act in Florida?

The Florida Youthful Offender Act was originally passed in 1978. The act was passed in order to help improve the chances of successful reentry into the community of young criminal offenders who have served jail time. Brief History This act was originally passed in order to improve the possibility of rehabilitation of younger criminals by preventing [...]

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