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The Khonsari Law Firm Blog


What Is Business Litigation?

Trying to juggle all aspects of a business by yourself can be overwhelming. Throw in a legal issue, and things start to get really out of hand. Attempting to solve your legal dispute yourself can be confusing and leave you feeling anxious. There is no need to go it alone. Hiring an experienced attorney to handle your business’s legal issues is th [...]

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What Are My Rights at a DUI Checkpoint in Florida?

The holiday season is quickly approaching which means it is likely you will attend a party or two. The holiday season also means that law enforcement will be more attentive in making sure there are no drunk drivers on the road. One way law enforcement gets drunk drivers off of the road is by putting up DUI checkpoints. Although you should never dri [...]

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November Vote To Decide Medical Marijuana’s Future in Florida

This November, Florida could become the 21st state, and first Southern state, to legalize the use of medical marijuana. This law could mean big changes for the state of Florida who, up until recently, banned all marijuana. The decision will be left in the hands of Florida voters, who will choose the fate of medical marijuana. The Current Marijuana [...]

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What is the Stand-Your-Ground Law?

Chapter 776 of the Florida Statutes regarding the justifiable use of force includes the stand-your-ground law. This law essentially says that a person who is attacked on their own property—whether a car, residence, or vehicle—has no “duty to retreat.” Furthermore, the individual has the right to stand on his or her ground and can either use [...]

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Your Questions: Is Drug Court Different From Regular Court?

There is a difference between being a criminal and struggling with an addiction. This is why the state of Florida introduced the concept of drug courts in the 1980’s. The court was created so nonviolent drug offenders could receive the treatment they needed, rather than be incarcerated. Today, drug courts exist all over the country as a way of al [...]

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How Do You File a Personal Injury Claim

When suffering from an injury due to an accident, you not only have to cope with the physical trauma, but also the financial burden. However, if your injuries are the result of another’s negligence, they are responsible to compensate you for any medical bills, loss of wages or emotional trauma. Here are the steps to take if you wish to file a per [...]

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Can My Child be Charged as an Adult

In 2011, Dontez Tillman, who was 14-years-old at the time, murdered a homeless man behind a Pontiac bar. Tillman’s case became national news when he was not only charged as an adult, but became the youngest person ever to be sentenced to life in prison. Tillman is not the first minor to be charged as an adult; in fact, many circumstances can lea [...]

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Definition of the Week Medical Malpractice

Having surgery to amputate a leg is terrifying enough, but imagine waking up and realizing the doctor amputated the wrong leg. This was the scary reality for Florida resident, Willie King. In 1995, King, who had a diabetes-related circulatory disease, underwent surgery to have his right leg cut off below the knee. King’s surgeon, Dr. Rolando Sanc [...]

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Misdemeanor vs Felony

Criminal charges are divided into two types: felonies and misdemeanors. Like every state, Florida has its own unique classifications and definition to determine what crimes are felonies or misdemeanors. It is important to understand the differences between misdemeanors and felonies, as it could mean the difference between a simple fine and serious [...]

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What is the Punishment for Possession of Marijuana in Florida

The laws and punishments for drug possession in Florida can be quite severe. This includes the possession and usage of marijuana. While Florida has recently passed a bill allowing medical marijuana low in THC and high in CBD for patients with serious medical conditions, marijuana is still illegal for the majority of Floridians. Actual Possession vs [...]

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